Photo: Duane Porterfield Playing a McSpadden Dulcimer at the "Ozark Folk Center" in Mountain View, Arkansas
Pick up the quill", "Celebrating Folk tunes of old."
There was a moment when music was standard in these Ozark hills. Children dance to tunes of robins, blackbirds, and whip-poor-wills. like wildflowers singing in harmony with Ozark Mountain melodies Celebrate Folk tunes of old. Pick up the quill,
As Lynn McSpadden picked up the quill, Gently strumming across the McSpadden Dulcimer's string wildflowers begin to sway as the choir stands to sing I can hear the music Still
As Lynn McSpadden picked up the quill, Gently strumming across the McSpadden Dulcimer's string Children dance to tunes of robins, blackbirds, and whip-poor-wills. I can almost hear the music still. . Wildflowers grow in the springtime. .Sparrows singing after a summer rain, I can almost hear the music still I can almost hear the music still I can almost hear the music still
Song Written by Al Timberlane, copyright 10-24-2023 Key of G